Originally Posted by easythereturbo
So much win here on page7. Good enough > perfection. Emotional investment.. and black wheels so so trendy. But to each.
I feel the same way about large wheels, so trendy. But what sells on the showroom floor matters to car makers more than anything. Understandably. So wide glossy black 22x10's sticking right up to the fender edge it is. Aero be damned.
Here is one for anybody who thinks you need huge wheels to have a sporting time in a car..
IMO the FRS dev team got it right when they spec'd skinny LRR tires as standard on that one. And the fun to fuel cost ratio on that vehicle happens to be very high.
CAR and DRIVER did the same thing on a Corvette in the 90s.It nearly scored as high a lateral G rating on the skidpad,as with the big fatty,OEM speed rated rubber. Isn't rubber compounding wonderful?