Originally Posted by redpoint5
There's never a reason to take a vehicle back to the mainland. Cheaper to sell a vehicle in HI and buy a different one on the mainland if you're moving.
There's also never a reason to have PV on a vehicle. Maybe there's a good reason 1 out of every million vehicles (non-RV), but that's near enough to zero in my estimation.
The only price I see listed in Kauai is $3.55 at the moment. EIA shows the CA average is $2.65.
That sounds familiar.Forty years or so ago,someone reported that oil from the Dutch East Indies was shipped to,and refined on Hawaii,sold at some price,and the same refined product was transhipped to California port of entry,trucked to Yosemite,and sold at a much lower price,in spite of the logistical costs.Maybe it has to Hawaiian State fuel tax?