Cybertruck edge vorticity
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
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It's conceivable that the edge vortices as drawn in in red won't exist.The early prismatic bodies from which this phenomena do exist,in no way represent Cybertruck's form.
Tesla provides the following features lacking in the prismatic models:
*nose chamfer (Prandtl surface of discontinuity will steer inviscid flow around a traveling stagnation bubble as if it were an ideal nose)
*chamfer-to-cowl-to to roof apex curvature (there's not a straight line anywhere)
*the pre-apex-to post- apex angle intersection is a fraction of that on the prismatics
*post-apex roofline is curved,not straight
*Tesla's greenhouse/beltline is inclined,continuously attacking the flow field
*Tesla's greenhouse has tumblehome
*the Tesla has plan body camber (it has 6-widths)
*The Tesla has boat-tailing,beginning between the doors,nothing seen like this since Impact/EV1
*Tesla has 8-inches of vertical suspension travel,fore and aft.We know from research conducted on the Ahmed body,that all attached longitudinal vorticity can be totally eliminated via roof,sides,and belly inclination tuning. Tumblehome alone can help mitigate vorticity in some circumstances.
*The wheel eruptions could actually be introduced to tune pressure spikes along the flanks as in Whitcomb-waisting/Coke-bottling/area-rule/sectional density
*As depicted,she could be as low as Cd 0.28
The entire forebody was tested in the late 1960s,with Nuccio Bertone's Carabo concept car.The tuft flow is perfect,with zero vorticity.