Originally Posted by freebeard
https://ecomodder.com/forum/showthre...tml#post624339 would fit this thread as well
"Ignoring the cab overlap and open wheels, is this a reasonable solution for a"[n Ahmed body]?
Would Batmobile fins make the Cybertruck better or worse? I think half the rational for the Cybertruck is the four monocoque butresses at the four corner.
The only time we'd use a fin(s) would be if there were a center-of-pressure/yaw moment issue vs center of gravity at high speed, and a wind gust could turn the nose of the vehicle even more 'across' the flow,increasing the yawing moment,potentially putting the vehicle out of control.
The 1985 Ford Probe-V concept,of Cd 0.137 had a degree of cross-control issue,and it was alleviated with a very small,vestigial fin behind the backlight,which was enough to 'weather-vane' the Probe back into the wind,cancelling the torque.
For Cybertruck we ought to wait until it's final iteration,and see how she handles before we apply any palliatives. There's been a lot of investigation into high speed stability and I doubt that it's been lost on Tesla designers. Remember, she's designed by rocket scientists. I'd be surprised if any significant shortcoming fell through the cracks. We'll see.