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Old 05-22-2020, 06:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
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'template' in contemporary aerodynamic literature

Hucho discusses the 'template' in his second edition. I've already provided all the citations.
Anyone reading the book in 1987,or after would already have had access to the theory and the off-the-shelf technology.
As long as Paris Dressmakers dominate design,it doesn't matter what's published. With or without a template. All an aerodynamicist can do,is submit data to the committee that will be making the decisions and spelling out the specifications.And those folks have been concentrating on hedonic adaptation since 1926 or so.They're the ones who killed off the 'template.' I believe that they'd prefer that the 'template' remain 'killed.' Alfred P. Sloan Jr. wrote a book on it.

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