I decided to start on the house since it was a long weekend. First step was to have the electric utility wrap the lines, then fetch supplies.
2000lbs later:
Demolition: Chimney, siding, sheathing in some areas, windows, phone line (tossed it in a pile under the pole).
Mold paint for very mild surface mold, excavation for anything deeper.
While I was at it I decided to re-route through the old chimney pipe into the basement the mains power, off peak water heater, cable internet, heat pump disconnect box, so there would be fewer penetrations through the siding. In fact, the only penetration will be a couple of nails for the service entry brackets, and the heat pump high and low pressure lines. I left the old mains power connected for now with the new one coiled up below, until the utility can get out to shut off the power.
Fished the new power lines up from the basement - what a bear! This house was built on railroad ties, with 4" thick subfloors on top of that. I cut down as far as my extension hole saw would go, then came in at a ~60 degree from the basement to intercept it.
Since I had to open up a wall to get the power up, I decided to take the whole mudroom apart and 4-season it. Framed out one of the windows.