1. If I were a cop, I'd not shoot someone unless I could see a weapon is being drawn on my or someone else. Reaching around where weapons could be isn't sufficient for me, even if I've told them not to. I'd rather put myself at a slight disadvantage by waiting for more evidence than to shoot someone who is not intending harm, or isn't sufficiently dangerous.
2. A person telling me they are armed, or otherwise openly carrying is less of a threat in my mind than someone whose carry status is undetermined. People intent on killing you don't calmly notify they are carrying.
3. How many scared kids who are trying as best they can to follow yelled orders for 10 minutes at gunpoint decide "screw it, let's see if I can win this gun battle with a pistol stashed in my shorts"? The whole thing should have started with "How is your evening going? We've got a report of a firearm being spotted in your possession. Let me pat you down before we talk about this".
4. The dual tragedies of Floyd/Chauvin have been multiplied an incalculable amount by opportunistic evildoers looking to push their political agendas. Many useful idiots get caught up in the process. It's human nature for most to attempt to pack in as tightly as possible with the herd as a self-preservation method than to look ahead to see if the herd is headed for a cliff. That's what explains: