Originally Posted by jojogunn
A few things more to consider:
Kona battery warranty stops at 10 years. At that point, the new battery cost will make the car not as viable as an ICE Kona. The feds state you have to support a vehicle for 7 years. Hyundai eventually will drop replacement batteries, and nothing you can do about it.
Taxes? Here in california, our road taxes are stolen for the general fund. Losing that money will generate new taxes and schemes for the shortfall-
Things like mandatory satellite tracking of all vehicles, and you get a bill for miles driven has been put forth out here.
I suspect that the ICE powertrain warranty, and availability will also be toast at 10-years out.
Tesla is looking at a 20-year lifespan for their batteries. That's 7-years beyond the statistical life of the average ICE vehicle.
Perhaps 3rd- party battery suppliers will fill what is now a market void.
The Kona ICE can't run on renewable energy. By 2025, BEV is predicted to be at price parity with ICE. After that, there's no compelling economic argument for 'pistons.' I doubt we'll ever experience electrical price volatility as we see with petroleum. Nor a $7,000,000,000/ year, cost to protect access to foreign oil.
8,000 Cadillac owners are facing the specter of eventually replacing a $ 20,000 ,hand-built in Bowling Green, Kentucky, V-8 engine. That's engine anxiety if there ever was any.