Windows woke up my PC and rebooted it at 3am. I woke up the sound of a Sawzall.
I really do not like it when my computer wakes up on its own. I have enough problems with that! I also despise it when Microsoft reboots my computer without permission. I know that I have turned off these settings before, so Windows is changing them back.
I just hope that I can get back to sleep! I woke up thinking that I needed to stop the video so that it did not bother my family! Lenovo Nerve Center was running. I always close that. Word and Excel were also on top of my browser. I always run those in one half of my screen and Microsoft always opens programs like this:
Do you see how it says "Run Maximized?!"
So, I needed to close Lenovo Nerve Center, minimize Office and Word [which both told me they had recovered documents, thanks to rebooting independently], and then stop the video while I was groggy and not wearing my glasses.