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Old 08-28-2020, 05:04 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jakobnev View Post
How did the Hybrid Synergy Drive react to the increased torque? (Asking for a friend)
The outcome was complex, but in short, the increased engine power largely went into charging the HV battery, so full electric power was available all the time.

The car was an NHW10 Japanese domestic model and had a 'turtle' mode that meant the HV battery had got too low in charge and so no electric power was available. Turtle mode up hills was terrible, and I lived at the top of a very steep mountain. My memory is something like 80 km/h (50 mph) up the hill in turtle mode at full throttle, but after turbocharging, I could climb the same hill at something like 110 km/h (~70 mph).

Open road mileage also improved with the turbo.

It was all very complex to get right (eg in altering the air/fuel ratios to get rich mixtures at full boost) but the car ended up feeling just like a factory turbo Prius.

I also modified the regen braking to make it much stronger, altered the electric power steering weight to give better feel, and ran a rear sway bar and a front undertray.
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