Originally Posted by freebeard
Meanwhile, in the state of Oregon, Clatsop county will vote on becoming a 2A sanctuary county in November
Meaning people will be free to worship in their sanctuaries regardless of unconstitutional banning of gatherings?
while the mayor of Portland is saying that the Feds [not] being there is causing violence and they need to stop. Begging for the Insurrection Act.
And then he goes home and Antifa/BLM are occupying his street/lobby and his neighbors are pelting the rioters from their balconies.
What amazes me the most is that the far left undermines every single agenda they ostensibly support, and even a bumbling right only has to do nothing for it to fall in on itself.
Thanks to the Corona virus, the wealthy have realized they don't need to live in cities to earn their wealth. They will exit, bringing their money with them, and cities en mass will deteriorate like Detroit. They will become the places you live if you can't afford to live anywhere else.