MPGiata gets a new tank record: 55.6 MPG = 4.2 L/100 km. I'm callin' that 56.
New mods this tank:
- lowered suspension about 1 inch
- ... which lowered the existing air dam as well
- side skirts
- revised variable grille block, which I used more regularly than the previous version
I was a little surprised by the result considering this tank included some kayak-on-the-car trips.
Further thoughts on lowering:
I've scraped the air dam on
a bunch of stuff, but no epic hits yet. (Though I did dodge some rather large roadkill that would have been a problem!)
Also, a portion of this weekend's road trip included a stretch of highway with pretty poor (broken) pavement, and that was fairly harsh. But not
quite badenough to make me want to undo the change unless all the roads I drove on were that bad.
My friends' cottage is on an "unserviced" (to put it mildly) coarse gravel road with lots of dips, bumps & ruts. (They drive a Jeep.) I seriously considered parking at the end and walking in, but the car made it without serious incident. Video game steering technique!