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Old 09-12-2020, 09:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 1,088

Aerocivic - '92 Honda Civic CX
Last 3: 70.54 mpg (US)

AerocivicLB - '92 Honda Civic CX
Team Honda
90 day: 55.14 mpg (US)

Camryglide - '20 Toyota Camry hybrid LE
90 day: 65.83 mpg (US)
Thanks: 16
Thanked 677 Times in 302 Posts
Not a new member, but have a new car

Just bought a 2020 Toyota Camry LE hybrid. The car comes stock with fairly good aero and a fineness ratio of 3.4 which is better than that of the Prius and the original Honda Insight. Right out of the box its getting indicated mpg's in the 50's to 70's in local driving and gets low 50's mpg at 70 mph on the interstate (haven't yet refueled to calculate the mpg).

Compared to the aerocivic, it gets about the same mileage in local lower speed driving, but worse mileage at highway speeds. Coasting is considerably worse at highway speeds and just slightly worse at lower speeds, even with its automatic glide control feature. Compared to the 2005 Prius I traded in, it is a larger, heavier, more powerful, and more comfortable car with lots of new safety features, but gets better mileage (low 50's as opposed to mid 40's on the highway) and about the same to slightly better mileage around town,

The main areas for aero improvement are to install a boat tail and front and rear wheel well covers. Drew up designs for both, but with the small amount of driving I do these days since I'm retired, gas prices will have to get much higher before their construction would be cost effective. In the interim, I'll likely replace the stock wheel covers with full moon hub caps.

For some reason, this website is giving an error message when I try to got to my PM or my User CP page. Also it won't send me an email when I try to use the "forgot the password" feature. I'm having to use my old phone to log onto this site since it automatically logs on and I can't remember my password for this site.

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