Originally Posted by 1.5Ldave
Old school body trick, have a piece of 2x4 and hit that with the hammer where you want to move the metal. It distributes the force and wont leave the little circle dents. Definately tap the door out from the inside first. Use the wood to move the front edge of the door back into place. That fender is pretty gnarled on the edge though, if you dont really care how it looks the easiest way to get it bent back close to shape would be a pair of pliers. Tape off the edge before you pry it around and you wont take as much paint off. Or you could probly get a replacement fender from a junk yard for cheap.
Thanks. The wood trick was what we used to get the door to close somewhat normally again. We had a 2x4, car jack, and a sledgehammer. That seemed to do the trick for the most part.
"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
- General George S. Patton, Jr