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Old 09-26-2020, 04:09 PM   #23 (permalink)
MPG Undercover
EcoModding Lurker
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I commend California for its attempt in forcasting the end of the 1850s technology (the internal combustion engine) which has been passed on to us as "modern technology" for much too long now.

What the automakers and the big oil companies have done to humanity is criminal, both in terms of the pollution and the inefficient technology that they have made even more inefficient, through sabotage.

I'm sorry if this sounds extreme or off the wall to some, but it is the truth.

Did you know, for example, that under the BEST maintenance conditions, the average gasoline powered vehicle uses, at most, about 33% of the gasoline that you put into the gas tank to actually move the vehicle forward, and that the other 66% or so is burned in the catalytic converter, and comes out of the tailpipe?

It is actually pathetic when you consider the fact that in the year 2020 we are still talking about carbon build-up in an engine. For that we may as well be driving with a bag of coal in the trunk!
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