Originally Posted by freebeard
In this debate JB invoked the Proud Boys, and demanded a disavowal. All across the land people who haven't heard about anything except 100 days of riots with burning businesses, cities and forests thought to themselves, "Who are the Proud Boys?"
I lost track if I've shared my thoughts on disavowal.
Anyone demanding someone to denounce a thing isn't trying to clarify the position, but to make the subject subservient to them; to lead them into agreeing on a series of increasing demands. If anyone came to me demanding that I denounce a person or group, regardless of who or what it was, I would say that I will not be bullied into being subservient to their agenda. I don't denounce people, I denounce bad ideas. I denounce ideology that treats people less than their full humanity deserves.
So previously when I knew nothing about Proud Boys, my reaction to being pressed to disavow them would be to say that I oppose any unlawful violence, looting, or destruction of property regardless of the group engaged in those activities.