Originally Posted by sgtlethargic
I'd love to hear some supporting reasons for this comment.
I'll try to summarize my position so that replies might head in my intended direction:
A. Cars and cheap (to the consumers) energy have been great for humanity in ways, and horrible in ways.
B. Human well-being and ultimately the habitability of the planet are at risk, and much of this risk is due to the burning of fossil fuels.
C. The consequences of taking that risk are so severe that there is no good argument to continue taking (fueling) that risk.
Therefore, from C alone:
D. We need a major shift away from burning fossil fuels.
We should have taken this seriously when Carter was president. If we would've started then, then we wouldn't have to make changes so quickly, now.
A and D are incontrovertible truths. B and C are debatable.
The US isn't the largest consumer of fossil fuels, so Carter
can't couldn't have been THE solution.
I'd start with deconstructing Alex Epstein's moral case(s) for fossil fuels.