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Old 10-18-2020, 08:54 PM   #108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
The bureau of land management says at least 90% of fires are ignited by people due to ignorance and malice.
Never understood how that is the fault of climate change.
So they aren't ignited by climate change and fuel load determines the danger level not weather and climate change.
Nobody but you, that I'm aware of, has claimed that fires are started by climate disruption.

The wildfires and forests are not a one-dimensional issue/subject, and the people I've heard talk about the recent fires haven't been one-dimensional in blaming climate change. Your hyper-focus on California and general disdain for whatever it is you go on about doesn't help anything in any way, except maybe it helps you feel comfortable.

I lived in the foothills. The power company came through and cut down sick trees. A large percentage of trees in California mountain areas are dead or dying because of the drought, which makes the trees more susceptible to bark beetles.

I used to go to a film festival put on by a forest watch group. They said much (if not the majority) of the treed land is privately owned by one person. They also talked about clearcutting as seen from above, that you can't tell what's going on from the mountain highways.

Last edited by sgtlethargic; 10-19-2020 at 01:56 AM..
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