Originally Posted by redpoint5
1a doesn't exist to protect bigotry, but to protect the right to think. Nobody is justified in removing the right to think. That's the most dangerous right to remove, which is why the 1a is the 1st.
It sounds nice, but it isn't actually the case. The Bill of Rights are in the order that their topics come up in the Constitution.
Article I Section 8.
.....The Congress shall have the power to do this, that and the other thing.
Amendment 1: However, Congress shall make no law that does
these things.
.....Among those powers in section 8 are war powers, but we really want to throttle the standing Army.
Amendment 2: Since our plan is for the Militia to be central to defense, don't mess it up.
Article I Section 9.
.....Here's a laundry list of restrictions on the government.
Amendment 3: We should have mentioned, we hate quartering, too.
Amendment 4: In fact, all my stuff should be safe from the Government.
Article III.
.....We have courts.
Amendment 5: I don't have to tell you anything.
Amendment 6: My lawyer says not to. And he gets to cross examine your guy.
Amendment 7: I get a jury, too. And once they say I'm clear, that's it.
Amendment 8: You'd better justify that bail, and any punishment needs to be civilized.
And that's all the specifics, but to keep the government's head from getting too big:
Amendment 9: Just because we mentioned some rights doesn't mean that's all there are.
Amendment 10: But your powers are limited to what's specifically listed here.