Mike Minette dragster
Redneck, THANKS for the picture of Mike's street digger. Imagine seeing this thing doing 75 mph on the highway...pulling a small U-Haul. The complete top portion hinged up to get in and out, anchored at the front. Mike always had an extra-fine young model type hangin' on his arm, so the cop got an eye-full when Mike popped-the-top. If memory serves, he was an aeronautical engineer who the wives said was a good looking Dude. All that, AND he built the dragster from scratch...design to driving. Once he came by my house on a motorcycle, after taking a tour of the US on 2 wheels...going all the way around by himself. A different Dude for sure, but talent out the Wazoo...whatever that is. A good friend named Chovanetz built Ferrari's from scratch, just using pictures. I had a rich guy build me a shop in my backyard so I could build just for him. A 4-bay heated and AC fully equipped, which gave the the Big Head...until I remembered Mike and Chovanetz. I was just good...not great.