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Old 11-05-2020, 11:29 AM   #46 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Nothing much has changed from me.
Same here. I'd been reclusive for decades already, the biggest accommodation was wearing a face mask to keep shop-keepers out of trouble with the Governor.

I don't understand why I [probably] had it so early, in January.

Today's Suspicious 0bservers references a paper that suggests the Carrington Event was rated x40 in energy density. Happens every 200 years. Then it goes
100x — 1000 years
700x — 3000 years
1000x — 6000 years
.and finally
micronova — 12000years
Care to guess when the micronova cycle comes round? Ben Davidson says 2030-2050. I will be 100 yeas old.

Magnetic North has gone walkabout.
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