Ping! Is this thing on?
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How did that work for you?
October is so long ago. Now the news is full of GTP-3.
Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. It is the third-generation language prediction model in the GPT-n series created by OpenAI, a non-profit San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research laboratory
Open Ai is a creation of Elon Musk with others, annd is co-housed in a vintage building in San Fransisco with Neuralink. Although it's been captured by Microsoft, you have to give Microsoft some slack now that Steve Balmer is gone. The kind of person who writes code for fun has a new sandbox:
Developers have built an impressively diverse range of applications using the GPT-3 API, including an all purpose Excel function, a recipe generator, a layout generator (translates natural language to JSX), a search engine and several others.
Did I hear someone say robot overlords?..... The wisdom of Solomon? Careful what you wish for?