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Old 11-18-2020, 02:24 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Multi-channel high speed pressure measurement

Evolution Measurement in the UK have decided to lend me one of their Evoscann professional 16-channel pressure scanners. This is the same unit currently being used in F1 and by major car manufacturers. (8 channel model shown here)

It can sample at up to 1000Hz and has a resolution of 0.01mbar (0.004 inches of water).

They are also lending me their CANbus to USB converter (the Evoscann outputs CAN data). This comes with laptop software allowing logging and display.

I have bought 16 Scanivalve pressure pucks (thanks to Vman455 for helping source these)....

... and 20 metres of 0.8 x 1.9mm silicon hose.

The huge advantage over using a single puck and gauge is that:

1) 16 pucks can be recorded at once.

2) The readings can be logged at high speed.

So for example I expect to be able to simultaneously measure centreline pressures all along the top and bottom surfaces of the car. I can then make a single change (eg adding a rear spoiler) and see the effect on pressures everywhere.

The high speed logging would, I hope, be able to see oscillatory aerodynamic behaviour (for those with my book, see pages 180 -181) and maybe the action of shedding vortices.

I'd also expect wake pressures to be able to be measured in a way I've not been able to before.

None of the gear (apart from the silicon tube) has yet arrived but tracking shows that hopefully it is not far away.

This gear is worth mega-bucks so it's a unique opportunity. If people have any specific testing that they'd like to see performed, please let me know.

Last edited by JulianEdgar; 11-18-2020 at 02:33 AM..
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BamZipPow (12-31-2020), Cd (11-18-2020), freebeard (11-18-2020), Gasoline Fumes (11-20-2020), Joggernot (11-23-2020), roosterk0031 (11-18-2020), Vekke (11-20-2020), woodstock74 (11-19-2020)