Originally Posted by Stubby79
A 20 year old Insight is not a car for an average joe to drive, trying to save money. It’s a money pit or an ongoing project. Parts are scarce and issues that arise are usually the expensive parts.
A civic, on the other hand is quite the opposite. Cheap, abundant parts - though VX specific ones might not be - and only the worst of issues will be the expensive ones. If it’s not been mistreated or have half a million miles on it, they shouldn’t crop up.
Well, rust might be a concern. But over-all, your assessment is correct. The civic will cost you less, generally speaking. Cheaper to get in to, cheaper to maintain. Not cheaper on fuel.
That's a bunch of BS. How many insights have you owned? I have owned one for almost 8 years. It has paid for itself SEVERAL TIMES OVER in fuel savings. It has never been a money pit, nor has it ever been an ongoing project.
Parts are scarce? What parts? Every consumable on this car is readily available; rotors, pads, plugs, filters, clutches, etc etc etc. Would it be more difficult to find a bumper or headlight for if you rear end someone? Compared to what? I can go on ebay right now, and find pretty much any part I would need to fix this thing in an accident, so please tell me EXACTLY what is so impossible to find for these cars. Would really love to know.
You sound like someone who's never owned one repeating bull**** spouted by some idiot who owned one for 6 months and cannot even change their own oil.