The local credit union said "We don't notarize for nonmembers."
Funny. I used to hear about people taking offense to that term...
"No problem! Sign me up!"
"Oh, you don't want an account with us!"
Does that sound like a woman not wanting to do her job or what?
I started looking into local financial institutions that offer no-fee accounts, but I must have gotten distracted.
On Friday I saw one client in-person. I wore a mask, whatever good that does, but she immediately ripped it off.
She is quick!
I was supposed to see her again today. Her lame family doesn't want speech therapy on Christmas.
I woke up with a sore throat yesterday and today I have a stuffy nose, so first thing this morning I asked to reschedule.
"No problem. She has a cold, too!"
Fun fact: My sister tests people for coronavirus and most of them are in denial.
The VA scheduled me for a cranial probe next Monday at 1645.
Forget quarantine, am I grounded to my room for two weeks?!
Anyway, time to get on a ladder and finish our Christmas lights!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4