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Old 12-24-2020, 06:25 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Stubby79 View Post
But you don't need to put others down when they don't say or do things that are up to your standards. This isn't some snob scientist gathering, where the elitist types get to scoff and put down the new guy in the room who doesn't have the pedigree and top-tier education they were "blessed" with. It's a public forum full of amateurs trying to learn and do their best within their (limited?) abilities. There's no need to treat them as a bunch of thick-headed dolts who "just don't get it" and need to have that hammered home every time.

Your previous post:

The whole "How dare you not support my views? You're part of the problem!" followed by *bash* *bash* *bash* doesn't do anything for me.

...was completely wrong, as I showed by pointing out that I actually suggest people don't believe me, and instead find out for themselves. (Glad to see your apology for so misrepresenting me.)

This post is equally wrong - where is your evidence that I "put others down when they don't say or do things that are up to my standards"?

You don't seem to understand the huge difference between arguing against the position a person takes, and putting someone down.

And I am a bit puzzled by the implication I am not an amateur. I am an amateur car modifier, self-taught in aerodynamics, working with limited resources from a home workshop. That's a major reason I want to see other amateurs getting the best results, not following misleading garbage.
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