Originally Posted by jakobnev
You have to subtract the power MG1 uses when acting as a ge
211 + 167 - 68 = 310 which is greater than the 272PS mentioned in
https://blog.lexus.co.uk/history-lexus-hybrid-drive/. Where are the 41 horses?
Ecky, regarding the Insight, I thought its electric motor (I have one in my office and weighted in our mail scale at 43.5lb)delivered 13HP (10KW), 79Nm (58ft-lb) @ 1000rpm (
https://afdc.energy.gov/files/pdfs/i...snapshot.pdf)i, but that is probably related to the earlier models. Also, I thought (
https://www.insightcentral.net/KB/co...owertrain.html) there was no way to run the electric motor without the gas engine also running. Is the new model completely different than the old one? I ask because in your diagram of how the power distribution on your Insight only the electric motor is connected to the power wheels.