Thanks for posting the link to this study. It is pretty heavy on math and on the soiling of the back of a square back vehicle by water spray. However, there are some great color coded diagrams of flow patterns. I would suggest pages 100 and 101 among others.
It sure helps me understand why my blue car is completely white from the rear after I drive on unplowed roads after a fresh snow. It is a square back with a flat floor and minimal ground clearance. The worst.
60 mpg hwy highest, 50+mpg lifetime
TDi=fast frugal fun
Originally Posted by freebeard
The power needed to push an object through a fluid increases as the cube of the velocity. Mechanical friction increases as the square, so increasing speed requires progressively more power.
Last edited by COcyclist; 12-30-2020 at 01:05 PM..