Interesting... There is an online CFD forum.
One can acquire a point cloud with a smart phone. A render-farm of ARM Cortex-A72 4-core compute modules would be $30 x (120/4) = $900 plus supporting hardware.
Admittedly, the DELL system probably has loaded-up PCI-e slots. But having the RAM distributed over the SOCs has to reduce latency, no?
With something like 36,000 EcoModder members, we might swing enough donations for the software. A cheap cup of coffee per member.
If the Smartmatic/Dominion kerfluffle has taught us anything, it's the importance of Free and Open Source software. sez there exists a Linux version. I can find mention of the COMOS site licensing mechanism, but I haven't dug deeper, it's too sunny outside. Statistics Members: 31,260, Active Members: