Originally Posted by racprops
Your a man after my own heart...although I do not go to your levels, I learned at 16 that two wheel bikes either foot or motor power were TOO dangerous and got a used car a 56 Studebaker for $300.00 (1965).
As I learned to fix nearly every thing have made out like you with nearly everything being used...but a few times did buy new, like my third computer a Pentium with Windows 3.11 just before win 95... and a fair smart phone so I can run apps on it...
And new tires after years of blow outs on used ones...
Well, I obviously don't skimp on tires, that would be dangerous-but since the rear ones wear faster than the fronts (rear-wheel drive) i'm not afraid to change the rear set every three years and the fronts every five (more likely to Rot than Wear on those).
As for two wheels in NC-some places are okay for Bicycles, some aren't. I've got plenty of MUP's in the Newport/Morehead area-but usually need to go a few miles in the truck to get there.

As far as my scooter-I had no car and no bankroll, Little Wing was $500.00 and it was better than my feet in rural NC with the job 25 miles away...the's also the fact that it was so mechanically simple I could do my own repairs with a toolkit and flat stretch of dirt...why must modern cars be so effin' complicated?
And freebeard-I love the BugE design to death, Sadly, I could never use the Electric one as anything but a Grocery-getter, even with Lithiums...my nearest Family is a three hour drive one-way, alas. But a Gas version of same? I'd avoid the Interstates, curl down Hwy 24 to Old 111 and be there with only a 15 minute's difference, at possibly 100+ MPG at 45-55MPH...but we'll only know if I ever get the cash.