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Old 01-01-2021, 09:00 PM   #52 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by order99 View Post
My cellphone is a 16-year-old Motorola, and I did buy that one new because it was the only way to get service back then in my region-but I have not upgraded and will not upgrade until the 3G signal is no longer supported (and since 5G takes infinite repeaters every friggen' mile and 4G is compatible with 3G it's going to be a looong time). I changed the batteries 6 years ago.
Took me a while to get rid of old-school Nokia cellphones and embrace newer stuff. Had my last Nokia not had its charging inlet to fail, or being able to charge from the USB port, probably I would have kept it for longer. Well, its camera was also not so good at all, and some apps are not compatible with those older phones plus their built-in navigator is not so great to use the browser interface of some apps as in a computer.

Nearly 90% of my clothing comes from Thrift Store (exceptions are socks, underwear, watch and most shoes). Why spend $25.00+ for a set of pants when I can get a decent set for $5.00 or so, with a decade or more of use remaining?
I never bought used clothing, yet I usually don't buy fancy ones.

Until recently, I bought all my computers used-you can get one a few years out of date for roughly $30.00 at Habitat for Humanity and other places. Since i'm a Linux user, older hardware doesn't mean a thing. Last year was my only exception-A HP All-in-one with Terabyte HD, 4G of Ram and quad processor went on sale for $275.00 right after some idiot tried to steal my (obsolete) laptop and destroyed it in the process. So, given my computer needs, i'm probably set until 2029 or so...
The suitability of Linux to "obsolete" hardware is appealing. I don't remember having more than 3 brand-new computers which were only mine, yet when my parents were still married it was usual to have only one desktop at home. Even though the first 2 computers at home were already used, at least the CPU of another was bought new yet other hardware were kept from the previous one.

I am currently living in a 2002 Jayco, 21,000.00 new but purchased in 2013 for 7,900.00 (depreciation is insane on RVs) parked next to an 8X8 outbuilding for my workshop and storage-sadly, I paid full price for the outbuilding but I got what I paid for at least! The great thing about getting such a cheap living quarters is that you aren't afraid to modify it-the Jayco was originally a Bunkhouse style (three beds, pull-out couch and drop-down table for up to 10 sleepers at once) so the bedroom is now an office with a walk-in closet and I have lots of room and low heating/cooling costs (I drilled holes in the inner walls, filled them full of closed-cell foam one can at a time and painted them-R15 up to roughly R35 or so). This RV has withstood both a minor and a major hurricane-I am utterly, thoroughly impressed with this inexpensive frame on wheels...
That's an interesting approach. Well, honestly most RVs seem to be quite overbuilt compared to the average McMansion.

if I suddenly find myself awash in more money than i'll ever need in my life, I doubt i'll stop being a bargain hunter-although if I do purchase new, i'll probably hire someone to design a vehicle or a dwelling custom
Even though some vehicles available in other countries could serve me right, having some custom-made might be cool too.
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