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Old 01-03-2021, 01:25 AM   #57 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by racprops View Post
Case in Point: I love my Ford Crown Vic Ex-Cop Car, a model P71. First is these cars were hardened for police work. Second they were (in most cases) well maintained. Third thanks to the computer it cannot be over reved.

And Lastly it has the bear minimum of electronic toys and crap, stuff that can go bad and cost a fortune to repair.

Now ad in their reparation’s: these cars are WELL known to be driven 100K in service, taken off service and then many are sold to Cab companies whom then drive them ANOTHER 200/300K.

There are many that 300K can go 200K more with heads and timing chain service, so 500K+ is done often, and again many do make that 500K without major repairs.

I ended up with what I consider the second best year a 2003, mainly as there was a couple of changes in the 2004 model year. The 04 is the last year of drive by cable, the 05s switch to drive by wire as in the PU controls the throttle. And the 05s have other upgrades to the computer controls that in my book makes it one I do not want.
Even though you're unlikely to ever perform some mods such as swapping the V8 for some downsized 4-pot out of a new Ranger or Mustang with the 10-speed automatic, the beauty of a body-on-frame design is that it can be made work nearly indefinitely, and with the right approach to a makeshift repair it may not affect the structural integrity so badly as in an unibody.

Sadly I cannot say the same with my 02 Ford Explorer, ( again freebie it was left with me for over a year so I filed on it..cost $1200.00 to repair it for driving) it already has had problems with the electric parts, and get this there is ONLY ONE door with a key lock…all the rest including the back hatch DEPEND on the power locks…. And it has a terrible engine; to service or replace the fuel injectors requires removing the intake manifold. And with its dual OH Cams there is two timing chains and ONE is on the back side of the engine which requires removing the engine to replace. If it goes so does the truck.
IIRC this engine actually has 3 timing chains, no wonder it's a PITA to deal with.

And I will NEVER buy a Japanese car.
There are few Jap stuff I really like, mostly old-school 4WD trucks such as the J40-series Land Cruiser and the Nissan Patrol of the 160/260, Y60 and Y61 generations.

Now we have a 2000 Toyota Camry, got it with 110K…we are not at 135K…and same thing, plastic and rubber parts failures all over the place…radiator tank split, wiring problems in the trunk, a PLASTIC thermostat HOUSING..(OMG) the Air intake tube from the air cleaner to the throttle body just fell apart.
Unfortunately nowadays even American automakers use plastic for parts which used to be made out of metal until recently. If you ever get the chance to take a look under the hood of a Mexican Chevrolet Onix you'll be shocked to see a plastic intake manifold even though its engines are turbocharged.

from my research it is common with any Japanese car at 8 to 10 years old, the plastic and rubber parts start to just crumble
I have seen many different old JDM cars exported to Paraguay, and some were as good-looking as if they were brand-new. Well, it's often pointed out JDM models are more overbuilt than international models.
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