Doomed again!
I confirmed my appointments for today and spent an hour comparing the last three rejected progress reports side-by-side, word-for-word, with the previous ones, and couldn't figure out what my supervisor changed.
Did she reject everything for fun?
I resubmitted them and then went to see my two in-person clients. I also picked up a new toilet wax seal because apparently ours failed. I spent the rest of the day trying to apply to graduate school.
Except I couldn't.
NAU requires two applications, although both copy much of the information from your previous one.
There are separate application fees, too.
The second application requires my MUMU transcripts. I tried to delete the school, but it won't let me. I tried to request transcripts, but it said that I had academic holds.
I paid $400 for the terrible class that I dropped when the first assignment was due.
I honestly wonder if I needed to set aside a full week to complete the first homework assignment. It was ridiculous!
Unfortunately, it still says that I have an academic hold. I tried to complete the second application, but I didn't know that it didn't allow you to use last year's letters of recommendation, and I didn't have the time to get new ones.
So, I spent $400, and several hours, and only have frustration for my troubles.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4