Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Wasn't aware acorns have caffeine in them, the real reason I drink coffee. Mountain Dew and Coke just don't appeal to me first thing at 4:30 am. I also don't drink tea since the caffeine influx is muted and I like the slap in the face effect of coffee.
Acorn coffee does not contain any caffeine which means you can drink more than one cup. Acorns contain vitamins B, B6, copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and of course magnesium
If it's just caffeine itself you want .. and not the coffee itself .. it might be cheaper to just caffeinated tap water .. or .. you could cafeinate any beverage you like .. you could just get some of those caffeine additives .. put as much or as little caffeine as you like in any beverage you like (too much can kill you).