Thread: Coffee roasting
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Old 01-18-2021, 08:06 PM   #35 (permalink)
Somewhat crazed
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Well AFAIK, caffeine is like nicotine in that small amounts are tolerable so either the socks need just a wee dose, or your heart implodes.

The thing is:I LIKE COFFEE. The effect, the taste, the whole coffee thing. I just want what I want, not some starbucks burnt overpriced yuppie goop or flavorless stale mass produced cheap panacea or an ersatz substitute. If I need straight caffeine, I can get pills at the local Wallyworld.

@Ecky Have you made more batches with your IR thermometer and how did that work? The flour sifter thing I'm making doesn't look like I can use a thermocouple
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