Originally Posted by California98Civic
M_a_t_t, that's a really well done scan. I love it that you included notes pages filled with 1977 notes. Nice service to the old Hondas community of modders/restorers, I think. Much respect.
Thanks. I noticed there was 2 sections that seemed identical, but rather than try to figure out what was what I just scanned it as is. I can always re-order the pages if I figure it out. I posted it on the first gen civic facebook group as well so hopefully it was worth the effort.
Originally Posted by some_other_dave
One thing about the brake master cylinder:
Brake fluid, as you probably know, is hygroscopic. It sucks water out of any air that it comes into contact with. That can lead to rust in iron or steel parts of the system, like the inside of the master cylinder. There used to be stainless-steel sleeves that could be pressed into a bored-out master cylinder to serve as the bearing surface for the seals.
It's possible that your refurbished MC may wind up leaking after several uses, is what I'm saying. Keep an eye out for it.
Interesting quote by Jiri Mucha! I'm a big fan of his father; I didn't realize Jiri was famous as well!
I will definitely keep an eye on it, but the master is aluminum bodied so I'd assume it's fine in that regard and I didn't see any pitting/scoring in the bore so hopefully it will be fine. I bought a lathe so worst case maybe I could try making a sleeve for it? Will come to that if it happens I guess.
To be honest I don't really know much about Jiri, just saw a qoute in a Škoda museum from him and liked it. Yes, I translated it using google translate (hopefully it didn't mess it up

) I thought it was more interesting that way.
One of my favorite cars there:
Second favorite, not because of the movie reference. I just think it looks cool.

1973 Fiat 124 Special
1975 Honda Civic CVCC 4spd
1981 Kawasaki KZ750E
1981 Kawasaki KZ650 CSR
1983 Kawasaki KZ1100-A3
1986 Nissan 300zx Turbo 5 spd
1995 Chevy Astro RWD (current project)
1995 Mercury Tracer
2017 Kawasaki VersysX 300
2022 Corolla Hatchback 6MT