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Old 02-09-2021, 12:41 PM   #1273 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by hayden55 View Post
Sure glad I live in Arkansas. I would've never heard of anybody stealing a cat until i heard about it on the internet. lol
Same for me. I've read about people stealing catalytic converters but I don't know anyone that it has actually happened too. (Or even someone that has 2nd or 3rd hand knowledge of it happening)

Portland, OR is the 5th city / state I've lived in the past 20 years. In my adult life I've had something stolen twice - both involving cars.

When I was 18 and living in Michigan someone broke a window in my car and pried out the factory AM / FM radio (not even cassette). A huge amount of damage for a radio that might sell for $5

Last year we had a backpack stolen out of a friend truck while we ate at a restaurant in Portland, OR on the way back from a hiking trip. Someone smashed the window and took the backpack at 2 in the afternoon on a busy street.
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