Honestly, I would welcome a Nuclear Plant in my "back yard". The safety record and clean local emission of operations is stellar compared to most other power plants. Plus, it would employ 100's of employees in a destructive market.
The last major U.S. leak of radioactive substance was the "3-mile Island" incident in Harrisburg, PA -- in the early 80's. After it was all said-and-done, the total radioactive pollution exposed to local residents, was that of a usual X-ray at the Doctor's office. Most of us have lived through that, eh? Since then, I've been in Harrisburg a few times and lived to tell about it (I haven't grown a third third arm or anything either)...
I just have concerns of the storage. But, as mentioned previously, we have a place to stick it. That waste may have potential for further safe, productive use. The transport is the weakest link.
Alrighty then -- we have a percentage of power production aside from fossil fuels. The remainder of production? Good question, I suppose. It's usually breezy here in the Midwest. I certainly can approve of spinning wind turbines here.
The biggest complaint is Bird-life and appearance. I'm not aware of either being that big of a deal here.
On an aside, I drive from Kansas City to Sioux City, Iowa up I-29 once a month. There is a considerable amount of blades transported from somewhere to somewhere on this route, each way. The market is likely beyond its capacity. Wind power is popular and growing.
Let's keep the non-fossil trend going. Agreed?
RH Seventy-Seven
“If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research” ― Albert Einstein