Originally Posted by Ecky
I imagine you drive a lot faster than I do. I have cold weather to contend with, but the vast majority of my driving is 35-45mph. Fuel economy starts to drop above ~45-50mph.
I definitely earn the badge “lead foot” and the honeymoon phase of this car has been pretty fun.... that said, I did drive with a scangauge2 for years in my swapped EP3 on the same commute and long story short that’s how I found ecomooder..... I just signed up for a group buy on a $500 3.4 final drive which will allow for 2600rpm @80 but better yet 2300 @70 which is just below the 12v vtec threshold..... I’ll eventually do a tank or two in strict hyper mile mode but it will be interesting to see what my best tank/month/year would look like