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Old 03-28-2021, 12:18 PM   #24 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Gunnison, CO
Posts: 2,122

Avalon - '13 Toyota Avalon HV
90 day: 40.45 mpg (US)

Prius - '06 Toyota Prius
Thanks: 1,156
Thanked 598 Times in 475 Posts
Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I suspect you've been abducted and replaced by a clone since last December.
LOL! Ya, my wife hated that Super Beetle. She wouldn't drive it if that was the only car we had. That was part of the reason I got rid of it. That and we didn't have kids yet. And yes, it did oversteer terribly in the winter. It was a fun project though.

Originally Posted by JSH View Post
This is another reason that snow tires are key. (You are driving in the winter with snow tires on all 4 wheels - right?)
Yes siree! The Astro had snow tires. The Dodge didn't. My Avalon has a set of dedicated rims with snow tires. My 1985 VW Golf Diesel also had a set of dedicated rims with snow tires. Both the Golf and Avalon had/have a set of snow chains I carry around too. I had a set of rims I was going to put snow tires on for the Super Beetle too but had a hard time finding snow tires for it. My 1993 Mazda 323 also had a set of rims with snow tires on them.

I always look for a spare set of rims and put snow tires on them.

That little Golf was a tank in the winter with snow tires and chains, even without any traction control. I even pulled out a Ford Expedition one day that was stuck in a downhill driveway. Also a Subaru from a snowbank. Not bad for a car that had cost me $600. Again, I liked being able to steer my driving wheels.

Mind you it snows a lot here. Last Monday I was driving through a snow storm over Monarch Pass (over 11,000ft) on my way to Denver in the Avalon. There way a passenger vehicle traction law (all vehicles must have snow rated tires or put on chains or be a AWD vehicle which I don't buy that that last part that AWD vehicles don't need snow tires/chains). It had snowed the entire way to that big city, over 200 miles one way. On the way back Monarch Pass was closed for avalanche removal and we had to wait a couple hours in the Avalon.

Originally Posted by JSH View Post
I don't need to convince you. I'm just happy that automakers are moving back to RWD and soon I'll be able to buy RWD family vehicles again. I've never liked FWD vehicle but I was forced into them if I wanted to buy a reasonably priced vehicle.
I just want a real life comparison to assure me this is the right choice, not a "RWD works on dry pavement and if you live where it snows 9 months a year you got to pay several grand more for an AWD vehicle that you've never needed before" approach. It just seems like the world would like to force me into an AWD crossover. But I hate crossovers and don't want to spend extra on AWD.

Anyhow, enough said about RWD.

I do really like the VW ID-BUZZ looks and function. There aren't a lot of minivans in general out there and much less electric minivans. With the family growing this might be a great vehicle if the kids aren't all grown up by the time I can afford one.

Last edited by Isaac Zachary; 03-28-2021 at 12:35 PM..
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