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Old 03-28-2021, 05:08 PM   #30 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post
Makes sense - the 2nd gen Golf has 63% of the weight on the front axle.
Ya, it's the weight difference that's what makes older cars so different from newer ones. Unless purposely built for sport use, most modern day manufacturers are going for a 50:50 weight distribution, or close to that.

You can tell by the tire pressure. On the Golf the rear tires took considerable less pressure than the front tires. The Bug was the opposite, requiring considerably less pressure in the front.

Unless loaded, in which the non-driven tires on both cars were supposed to have more air, sometimes more than the drive wheels, apparently indicating a fully loaded vehicle could end up with substancially more weight on the non-drive wheels than the drive wheels back in those days. I remember the Golf was supposed to be something like 30psi/25psi unloaded and 30psi/35psi when fully loaded.

One thing about RWD and bus route vehicles, when I would get stuck in the school bus is have all the kids sit in the rear seats which helped me get unstuck. But if have them move back forwards. Having too much weight in the rear would cause they bus to go sideways on glare ice. Of course thankfully the school buses had automatic tire chains.

This video might change my mind on EV's and RWD:
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