Another Altenator thread-smart charging using tilt sensor
I am thinking of a idea to control battery charging with an incinometer ( tilt sensor).
Idea is to only allow the altenator to charge the battery when car is going down hill or braking. It could be adjusted to a certain grade.
This is what I want-
Going down hill- charging
Using brakes - charging
Going uphill- not charging
Going on level land-not charging
Sitting at redlight- not charging
Voltage drops below 12.4- charging
I think I can do this with an ardunio and a tilt sensor, along with a relay to cut the field current on the altenator.
I don't want to use the brake light switch to trigger charging because then it would charge while waiting at red light, I would rather it only charge when there is energy going to waste.
I believe I might get a warning light on the dash when it's not charging, but that might not be a bug, but a feature. It will allow me to see when it's charging or not.
My question is do Tilt sensors sense tilt when the car is breaking?
Only fault I see is car would charge while at a redlight and facing down hill.