I will add disclaimer to first post so people don`t try to same mods to save energy.
Depending what you believe is the measuring accuracy of this test method at the moment savings are 4-6% or even lower if you are thinking results are not even 2% reliable. I published the rough data to show and everyone can make their assumtions on the test and its reliability. I was first very skeptical on first day results as I have believed more pressure will always give better energy consumption. Thats the reason why I publish any test results on the topic.
I made a video which shows the last results A run for the third time "same".
If I would have had more time more tests would have been done. I had 5 days to work and test with the car and now I am back to Germany and car is still in Finland. During those 5 days I had about 15 hours to test the mods and about 12 hours to build mods. I am sure someone with more skills could do better...