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Old 04-18-2021, 09:46 PM   #60 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
I could be wrong and 98% of the population is and will remain strongly against an all EV future and will never let that happen. But for me, whatever happens happens, I'm not taking sides.
EVs may serve you just right, and do so for many others too, but forcing it as some sort of one-size-fits-all causes more problem than it would be supposed to solve.

Regardless if the EPA lets manufacturers go back to carburetors, or older carbureted cars get banned
I won't hold my breath for old carburettor-fed cars being banned, but I also wouldn't believe them to make a comeback into newer vehicles. Even classics are often retrofitted with EFI nowadays.

whether ICEV's will have to run on expensive synthetic fuel made from carbon capture because that's all there'll be at the pump or whether we'll have no limit to fracking and drilling until every last drop off carbon has been unearthed and burnt
Synthetic fuels made from carbon capture may eventually reach commercial viability, but I also support biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel as they're better than leaving organic matter to rot while releasing raw methane and other compounds with a longer half-life than COČ on the atmosphere. There will always be some way to keep older engines running, just remember the humanity dominates the alcoholic fermentation process for a long time and will remain doing so.

All I'm saying is my limited foresight sees the possibility of more EV's in the future. Maybe a little more or a lot more, but more.
Considering how many hybrids (including plug-ins) I see nowadays, and how 10 years ago I didn't believe I would see so many, EVs may get their niche too. But the hybrids are still more likely to address the needs of customers with different preferences, going from mild-hybrids meant only to satisfy the bureaucrats to the plug-in hybrids.
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