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Old 04-28-2021, 03:23 PM   #978 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
What do you mean it sounds way better than it is? The whole thing sounds retarded. There are finite used EVs. Subsidizing the purchase of used EVs doesn't magic more of them into existence, it merely drives the sales price up... so I guess the end result is used car dealerships make more profit. That's exactly how I want my tax money to be spent; getting sleazy car salesmen into nicer boats.
I say it sounds better than it is because it is still a tax credit. The more you make the more you get until the cutoff.

Subsidizing the purchase of used EVs helps low and moderate income people buy a used EV. That is the point of the credit.

It doesn't drive up the sale price because the salesman doesn't know how much the buyer makes - at least they shouldn't until they are well into the buying process after the sale price has already been negotiated.

You can still find cheap used EVs in Oregon despite our $2500 tax rebate for low and moderately income people. (Which has quite a bit higher cut-off than the proposed federal credit)
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