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Old 04-30-2021, 07:14 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
Someone else might have prefaced their original permalink with a reference to the two citations.
Perhaps it never enters your mind how much trouble this can cause to your readers.
Talk first. Think later!
So, after revisiting Palin et als.' paper:
1) the Tesla Model S modulates the cooling inlet air volume.
2) therefore, it cannot have a cooling system drag of any fixed value, by default. It has a 'spectrum' of cooling drag
3) and since ground clearance affects drag coefficient
4) and drag coefficient affects both motor power and battery discharge-related cooling requirements
5) whether or not any particular Tesla Model S has active suspension will determine its drag, and by default, its cooling needs. It cannot have a fixed cooling system drag if it has active suspension.
If you want to make up your own, new definition of cooling drag - fine. But that's not the approach used in the current technical literature.

To be honest, it seems that you just want to make things as complex and difficult as possible. I am not sure why.
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