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Old 05-04-2021, 01:59 PM   #103 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Gunnison, CO
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Avalon - '13 Toyota Avalon HV
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Prius - '06 Toyota Prius
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Here's a hypothetical situation:

Year one, gas is $5 a gallon everywhere in the US. A few more people become interested in EV's

Year two, gas is $6. More rich people start scambling for getting an EV or some other sort of super efficient transportation.

Year three, gas is $7 a gallon. Pretty much every person who has the means of buying an ultra fuel efficient alternative or EV has. But those that can't afford it haven't since the car market is catering to the rich first as it always has.

Year four, year five, gas is $8 then $9 a gallon, and the trend is pretty much the same.

Year six, gas is $10 per gallon. The EV's bought by the rich are now finally trickling down. But they're holding their value because of good ol' supply and demand. So the poor, who now are the only people paying $10 per gallon on fuel, give up on having a vehicle and the public transportation sector becomes saturated. Whether the public transportation sector will be able to keep up is a good question. But lets say the rich heavily invest and it does.

Year seven, eight, nine, ten, twenty, thirty, etc. things eventually will go back to the way they were. More and more used EV's will keep hitting the market and eventually the poor will transition from public transportation back to personal vehicle transportation, as long as they have a place to charge it.

Now what that has to do with what Toyota EV's will look like is beyond me.
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