I almost forgot: I'm at around half a tank on the gauge, and I'm at 320 miles. I've been traveling around 65mph, and (though the SuperMID is a bit hard to read) if the instrumentation and fuel gauge are correct, I'm probably looking at 62-65mpg. A very well sorted Insight with a working IMA, high tire pressure and some lesser aeromods gets very little better than that - maybe 68 @ 68. One really needs to slow down to 50 to get 90-100mpg in an Insight. And that's an aluminum, no-holds barred, 2 seater 3 cylinder with half or less cargo space.
It seems that driving slower in Aerocivic doesn't offer the same returns as it does in many other cars. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But, it's also worth noting, the car has the wrong tires and they're only around 38psi right now. And no underbody paneling. And, I'm doing virtually no EOC, despite there being a perfectly good kill switch about 3 inches from my left hand. And, every time I go down a hill, I end up greatly exceeding my target speed.