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Old 05-15-2021, 03:52 AM   #40 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Useful links related to lean burn:

Lean burn mode rules 70+mpg

Lean Burn Success

lean burn tuning ideas

E85 tuning, Subaru:
E85 Freeway fuel efficiency (300-400 miles per tankful)


Increasing engine operating temp to increase MPG

BMW N43, N45 and N46 engines atleast are running on 105 to 112C coolant temperatures.
112C being an "eco mode", while the temperature will drop to 95C when going high load.

So it's very possible to run without major issues at higher temperatures.

I could possibly try at some point +100C coolant temperatures, if the thermostat just allows it.
Because the M52TU engine already has a MLS head gasket, and I'm running on E85 so knocking is not an issue = safer to go further than on gasoline.. within limits of course.

I checked yesterday my injectors, while doing other service (oil change).
They were very dirty and probably that was the cause of random missfiring at cold start (not getting enough fuel).. should replace my fuel filter, and maybe the injectors too.. I did attempt cleaning them properly, but failed to pressurize the fuel rail with injector cleaning fluid (whatever it really is).. so only cleaned them outside.

If there is too much difference on the injectors flow, I cannot get any accurate enough lambda readings (since it's only average of 3 cylinders) and probably getting random missfiring what may not be noticeable other than worse fuel economy and power output. Just another problem to be fixed.
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The Following User Says Thank You to Juho For This Useful Post:
Ecky (05-15-2021)