Originally Posted by Cd
Simple things like shampoo and conditioner can be made into a bar - like a bar of soap, and you simply later it up in your hands and use it the same as 'normal' shampoo and conditioner.
I'd rather just use regular soap, as I already do often.
Laundry detergent can be made into a powder and packaged in a cardboard box.
Laundry detergent powder packaged in a cardboard box is the most usual in my country, even though some cheaper ones resort to a plastic bag instead of the cardboard box.
Toothbrushes handles can be made of wood.
Microbial growth would be a matter of concern with the usage of wood and other biological substracts for the manufacturing of toothbrushes.
Serving trays and single use fast food trays can be made of waxed cardboard.
Waxed cardboard food trays are often not that great for some food items.